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Beg Offs

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Beg-offs are a competitive form of begging where you are pitted against another hobo to see who can score more cash. You must have at least 5 begging to participate. Your available Beg-offs increase by 1 every 3 hours, with a max of 5. You cannot sign up for a Beg-Off more than once every 15 minutes.

After signing up, simply go beg. Your beg-off may happen immediately and you'll see the results on the Beg page. Otherwise your beg will be recorded and the Beg-off will be completed when an opponent is found begging. Your opponent will be randomly selected from those who have signed up for a Beg-off.

The Victor will gain eternal glory, and steal some begging stat from the loser. You must sign up again after each Beg-off is completed.

Oh, one last thing. You are guaranteed a special reward when you enter a beg off (granted the place you're begging at has them).